
Ideas about watercolor.

What I paint is just as important as how I paint it.  I try to choose subjects that don’t often get painted as part of mainstream culture.  I try to focus on people of color and also homoerotic and non-binary themes and a special group of our friends the bears.  It seems to me that you and I share in loving this subject matter of our art. I think that’s may be why you and I have connected as friends.

Part of what I’m trying to do is also paint them in an interesting way by focusing on things like composition, texture and color.

I want my compositions to be interesting and asymmetrical. So many figure paintings put the figure and the head directly in the center of the picture plane. I’m trying to put to focus points in more interesting places.

Watercolors always been a favorite of mine and one of the things that I like about working on paper and with watercolor is the freedom to experiment with monochromatic themes and with gestural marks. I’m not as frightened of making a mistake if the work is on paper and I’m not investing a ton of money into the supplies. In a way almost all of the work that I do on paper is kind of experimental because of this.

Watercolors on my website. 

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