


Hey! Its been a while, here’s an update of what the team at Homotopia have been up to. Starting with some artist opportunities you might have missed. . .

The Homotopia Writers Award

The Everyman and Playhouse script submissions are open and we’re so happy to be partnering with them to offer one LGBTQIA+ writer The Homotopia Writers Award.

The opportunity is for a professional rehearsed reading or workshop and a £500 seed commission towards developing their work. The subject matter of a submitted script for the award should explore LGBTQIA identities, challenges, experiences and culture.

Applications close April 24th.

Find more info here!

Queer Creatives Meet-up

From Thursday 17th June and every third Thursday of the month after that join us in the Unity bar for a friendly and inclusive meet-up with local LGBTQIA artists, makers and creators. This is your chance to meet new creative collaborators, seek career advice and have a lovely time with liked-minded queer pals.

This is a free, informal event. To RSVP please email - the first event has a capacity of 20 people so get yourself signed up! This mixer will take place in the U1 Theatre, and be socially distanced.

More info. Lucky you.

Artist Development Opportunities

Image: Rachael Young

Are you a queer artist? Do you want to hear about any opportunities that might benefit you? Opportunities both in and outside of our organisations and partners.

Then join our new Artist Mailing List. So we can keep in touch, keep you up to date and if we hear of anything we think you'd like we can keep y

Sign up here

New Staff and Trustees

And lastly, some more good news, we’re delighted to have welcomed Olivia Graham onto our team in a new role as Marketing and Development Manager and Ruth Fawcett our freelance fundraising consultant. We’re excited to have both roles contribute to the overall reach, development and growth of our organisation. Alongside this we’re delighted to have three new trustees Jess Shannon, SinĂ©ad Nunes and Steven Welsh. Welcome to the family!

New staff and trustees info

Know an amazing LGBTQIA artist? Send this email to a friend!

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